BlockHut Privacy Commitment

At BlockHut, your privacy is paramount. This commitment outlines our approach to the data we collect and how it's used to enhance your experience. By using BlockHut, you agree to the terms outlined here.

Information Collection:

We only collect blockchain wallet addresses to enable effective access and management of your tokenized real estate assets portfolio. These addresses are public information available on the blockchain.

Use of Information:

The collected wallet addresses are solely used to identify the real estate tokens you hold, providing you with real-time tracking of your assets' valuation. No additional personal information is required or stored by BlockHut.

Information Sharing:

We do not share your information with third parties, except in the following cases:


Although wallet addresses are public data, we are committed to protecting the security of your interactions with our app through advanced technical measures.

Your Rights:

You can contact us at any time for clarifications on the collected data and how it is used.

Changes to the Commitment:

We may update this commitment to reflect changes in our practices. Any modifications will be posted on this page.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at